
25 years ago we skipped school and climbed on the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate. From up there we were looking down at armed GDR soldiers who didn´t know anymore what to do. One day before they still had the order to shoot anybody from the East who wanted to climb over the wall to the West. And now everyone from the East was allowed to cross the boarder freely and we, the people from the West, were climbing up on the wall  to celebrate freedom and the end of a dictatorship, to celebrate the success of the resistance movement and to welcome the people of the East. Very poignant memories.

Today there are still many walls in this world existing, separating and excluding people, between Palestine and Israel, between Mexico and the USA, last but not least on the outer boarders of the EU between Africa and Europe.


Bugs & Beasts & Beast: My first scientific publication on Hörspiel – in Portuguese.

I am very happy to announce, that my article „RUÍDO, PEÇA SONORA, RÁDIO EXTENDIDO“ just has been published by Polêm!ca Revista Eletrônica, the online-journal of the State University of Rio de Janero (UERJ). It is the extended version of a case study about the Hörspiel (radio play) „Bugs & Beats & Beasts“ by Andreas Ammer and Console, that I presented in September 2013 at the conferences „Noises of Art“ and „Radio Research 2013“ in GB. This Hörspiel plays an important role for the argumentation of my PhD thesis. My very special gratitude goes to Mauro José Sá Rego Costa, professor at the UERJ with special expertise in radio and media art: Mauro, thank you so much for your enthusiasm, your support and especially all the effort you went through in translating this! Bssssssssh.

Enjoy reading – and listening! I would be delighted to recieve some feedback about my ideas from Brazil – and everybody who understands Portuguese. But please, write in English to me!