Lecture „The BBC World Service: International Radio – Made in the UK“, 2015-06-18, University of Basel

Thursday, the 18h of June I will give a lecture on the legendary BBC World Service in the context of a workshop at the University of Basel. The workshop will be on international radio stations in the 20th century and is part of the national research project „Broadcasting Swissness“.

The title of my lecture, which will be in German as the whole workshop, is „The BBC World Service: International Radio – Made in the UK“. It is based on some findings of my Seminar „Special Sound“ about the BBC and the inspiring debates I had with my students in class. One of the results of this BBC seminar is our „Hitchhiker´s Guide to the BBC Radio Galaxy“, in which one of course also finds some information in English on the BBC World Service. In my lecture I will focus much more on the different attempts of delivering the identity concept of „Britishness“ via one of the oldest, largest and most famous radio stations to the world.

Update, 05-08-2015: The programme has been published now. Anyone interested is welcome to join, please just do register in advance.

New Publication: „Noise, soundplay, extended radio“

It is a great pleasure for me to announce that my first scientific article on radio art in English has appeared. After passing the double-blind peer review process of the ECREA Radio Research Section it just has been published in the book „Radio: The Resilient Medium. Papers from the third conference of the ECREA Radio Research Section„, edited by Madalena Oliveira, Grazyna Stachyra and Guy Starkey.

Resilient__RadioAfter I had the great opportunity and pleasure to present my PhD-project at the Radio Research Confernce in September 2013 in London it is of course also a very special pleasure to see the article printed now in English in a book, together with the articles of over 20 other radio researchers from all over the world.  My very special thanks goes to Guy Starkey, Grazyna Stachyra and Madalena Oliveira for the great job they did in editing this wonderful book. Although Mauro José Sá Rego Costa was allowed to translate the article into Portugese and publish it in advance in the online-journal of the State University of Rio de Janero the English version only can be accessed via the book due to the copyright of the publishers to protect their investment in preparing the book for print.

Nevertheless it´s certainly fine to tell the title of my article and to publish the abstract here:
