Just in time for Brexit’s second anniversary, Prof. Ina Habermann at the University of Basel and students of her research seminar published their podcast The Road to Brexit on the historical and cultural preconditions and motifs why so many Britons voted to leave the EU on June 23, 2016. Trained as a professional radio journalist who writes her PhD at the English department in Basel, it was a great pleasure and challenge to help them bring their project alive. Together with Prof. Habermann I edited the texts of the students, I taught them how to speak on the radio and took care of recording, editing and publication of the project. In eleven contributions the students looked for example at Winston Churchill’s war rhetoric as well as at the myth of Dunkirk or the movie T2 Trainspotting and a European perspective at Great Britain.
You can read an article about the project and its background on the website of the university in German or in English. Further information about the project, the production and the contents you can find here. And last but not least you can listen to the podcast here.
I highly recommend to take some time for this podcast. Listening to these 69 minutes of an enlightening fusion of cultural studies research and radio journalism is in my opinion definitely worthwhile. Congratulations to Prof. Habermann and her students, well done! It’s been a blast to work with you.